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programme de travail intégré造句

"programme de travail intégré"是什么意思  
  • bourse de travail    The CGT was modelled on the development of the Bourse de Travail ( labour exchange ), a workers'central organisation which would encourage self-education and self-manage society and facili...
  • confederation generale de travail    Ghosn's arrival signaled to workers and shareholders that " this company has changed, " said Philippe Martinez, head of the leftist labor union at Renault, Confederation Generale de Travai...
  • de la division du travail social    This work was dedicated to his friend Charles Richet though it drew much from the theories of Th閛dule-Armand Ribot, to whom Le Bon dedicated " De la division du travail social ".
  • salida de la misa de doce de la iglesia del pilar de zaragoza    "Salida de la misa de doce de la Iglesia del Pilar de Zaragoza's " film tape had a length of 12.4m, consisted of 651 stills and has a duration of less than a minute. Both short films, " Sa...
  • sindicato de medicos de asistencia publica v conselleria de sanidad y consumo de la generalidad valenciana    ""'Sindicato de Medicos de Asistencia Publica v Conselleria de Sanidad y Consumo de la Generalidad Valenciana " "'( 2000 ) C-303 / 98 is a European labour law case concerning the Working T...
  • au travail    Du cote du candidat, l'ambiance etait lundi a la prudence et au travail. He was also the operations vice-president for the Commission de la sant?et de la s閏urit?au travail. One of his book...
  • beau travail    Agnes Godard won the best cinematography award for her work on " Beau Travail ." ---June 2 Beau Travail : French reworking of " Billy Budd, " set in a desert Foreign Legion outpost. Troubl...
  • bourse du travail    Reportedly, their trade union was banned from the Bourse du Travail as punishment for this act. Many of the leaders of the Bourse du Travail went on to lead the CGT, and the FBT was a co-e...
  • bourses du travail    These government offices were usually placed in the local Bourses du Travail. In Subsaharan Africa, Bourses du Travail were implanted in two ways. Bourses du Travail were centers of workin...
  • confederation francaise chretienne du travail    "It is the least damageable, the last-chance agreement for the employees and an intelligent way of using the Robien law to save jobs without too much wage cuts, " said Claude Lartaud, a Mo...
  • confederation francaise democratique du travail    Their main rival is the CFDT, or Confederation Francaise Democratique du Travail, a moderate union. The union that represents the largest number of workers, the Confederation Francaise Dem...
  • confederation generale du travail    The communist-led Confederation Generale du Travail said it did not have nationwide figures yet. Blondel's counterpart at the Confederation Generale du Travail, Louis Viannet, made similar...
  • droit au travail    He subsequently led a public campaign against the labour legislation and the CCQ, forming an organization called the " Association pour le droit au travail " ( ADAT ). Arago was attempting...
  • in travail    In travail upon travail, did their mother bore them and in years twain was their weaning. :" And even as when the sharp dart striketh a woman in travail, [ 270 ] the piercing dart that th...
  • inspecteur du travail    On the same day, June 12, they took two administrators and an " inspecteur du travail " ( government labor inspector ) as hostages.
  • inspection du travail    In 1984, she won her first post in the " Inspection du travail " representing the 15th arrondissement of Paris. Following an investigation, the Inspection du travail ( Labour Inspection ) ...
  • la france au travail    ""'La France au Travail " "'( " France at Work " ) was a pro-German French newspaper which appeared from 30 June 1940 onwards funded by the German embassy in France. Adopting the pseudonym...
  • le travail    Le travail des fondations peuvent commencer le 1er ao鹴 de la m阭e ann閑. In Swiss politics, Dicker emerged as a prominent leader of the Le Travail ". During the Le Travail " ( on which Ph?m ...
  • loi travail    Un appel ?la gr鑦e fut lanc?le 9 avril, notamment en lien avec la contestation du projet Loi Travail. Durant le printemps de lutte contre la Loi Travail en France, alors que le film est r間u...
  • parti congolais du travail    Upon his return to Brazzaville in 1969, he immediately joined the Congolese Labour Party ( " Parti Congolais du Travail ", PCT ), newly founded by Captain Marien Ngouabi.
  • service du travail obligatoire    Ritter organized the forced labor of the " Service du travail obligatoire " ( STO ). During World War II, Weriguine was conscripted into the Service du travail obligatoire and sent to a ch...
  • travail    The responsibility for the team-shattering travail rests with him. Annie's travails aren't limited to the trial. But Milken's legal travails may be far from over. For WGBH and PBS, money i...
  • 8hevxii gr    #In some pre-Christian manuscripts of the Greek version of the Hebrew Bible was left Tetragrammaton ( Papyrus Fouad 266; fragments of the scroll 8HevXII gr, ( LXXVTS 10a, LXXVTS 10b, Se2gr...
  • alt gr    Guenther-Quandt-Haus, 10 a . m . ( See : ALT GR Equity CN) To insert a tilde with the dead key, it is often necessary to simultaneously hold down the Alt Gr key. They only seem to add acce...
  • alt gr key    To insert a tilde with the dead key, it is often necessary to simultaneously hold down the Alt Gr key.

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